Vault Sentinel provides everything an organisation needs to recover from a cyber attack

Organisational Awareness
Truly understand how your IT network operates and interlinks in order to be prepared if it is attacked and you need to rebuild it.
Airgapped Security
Secure your key business services and applications in a logically air-gapped system with staging areas safely transfers data to and from the secure isolated vaults.

Technical Resilience
Retrieve the necessary and correct objects needed to rebuild your key business services and applications immediately after an attack.

Operational Resilience
Easily coordinate recovery across your organisation so that everyone on the planet involved can work as efficiently as possible. Give your C-Suite accurate updates on the status of the recovery.
Traditional back-ups alone are not enough.
94% of ransomware victims have their backups targeted by attackers.
Attacks and breaches are becoming the norm.
74% of large businesses reported cyber-attacks or security breaches in the past year.
The length of time it takes to recover can be devastating.
43 days
UK businesses take an average of 43 days to fully recover from a cyber attack

“Vault Sentinel is the solution I wish Maersk had when Notpetya hit.”

Adam Banks, former CTIO of A.P. Moller Maersk & Vault Sentinel Chairman
Adam Banks was at the forefront during the notorious 2017 cyber attack. Learn about the challenges he encountered and why he sees Vault Sentinel as a critical asset for robust cyber recovery and operational resilience.
Vault Sentinel is industry and technology agnostic
The impact of a cyber attack can be unpredictable, rendering usual recovery mechanisms ineffective. Vault Sentinel's solution is both industry and technology agnostic, ensuring that everything required for a recovery is provided offline.
When an organization cannot rely on any part of its normal operations, our solution provides a path to full recovery, regardless of the industry or technologies involved.

With Vault Sentinel, you are equipped with everything needed to swiftly restore operations and ensure business continuity.
Discover how our solution transforms service recovery by providing total organizational resilience.

Cyber Recovery:
A Complete Guide
Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. A multi-platform attack can devastate business services and halt business operations. Recovering from such an attack is more than a technical exercise. This white paper aims to explain the real-world challenges of recovering from a cyber attack.

Intelligent ConsumptionThe vaults are in control of what they consume and provide and perform a series of checks before an object is consumed. We call this intelligent consumption.
Anomaly DetectionScan for behavioral anomalies and objects can be scanned for signs of compromise such as malware and ransomware, providing a belt-and-braces approach.
Secure Isolated VaultsHundreds of secure isolated vaults, located globally, are managed seamlessly by the management layer.
Non-Proprietary CopiesVault Sentinel uses the concept of self-inflating objects utilizing native functionality, avoiding the need for proprietary formats.
MappingThe customer's Minimum Viable business is mapped in the solution, mapping technical objects and dependencies, providing a service view of the recovery.
Retrieve Entire Business ServiceAllows retrieval of a business service with hundreds of technical objects in 2 clicks.
Automatic RTO and RTA CalculationAutomatically calculates the RTO for a business service during planning and the RTA during recovery.
Data Reconciliation InformationProvides data reconciliation information for services that have data stores.
Understand the ImpactUnderstand the impact of an attack as the MVB is mapped, the solution provides which services have been affected.
Real-Time UpdatesReal-time updates to command and control during recovery as engineers and specialists progress through the runbooks.
Management UpdatesAI and user-generated updates to stakeholders and management.
RehearsalsRehearse and fine-tune recoveries.